Trash can moving solutions
Click here to get started and submit a service request to Lady Litter!
Trash to Curb Moving Monthly Service Subscription
Stop worrying about putting your trash can out curbside for pickup the next morning. Lady Litter will take your garbage and recycling can out for you to your curb.
All payments must be made via Venmo or Cash.
Trash to Curb + Home Moving Monthly Service Subscription
Lady Litter will take care of moving your garbage and recycling can to the curb for pickup and back to your home. This is the all-in-one worry-free trash can moving solution.
All payments must be made via Venmo or Cash.
Ad Hoc Trash Can Moving Service
Are you out of town or need a hand bringing your trash can out curbside for pickup and back home? This service is for customers looking for a one time solution instead of the monthly plans.
$10 per trash removal (Trash to curb + home)
All payments must be made via Venmo or Cash.
Mail Pickup Service
Are you out of town and need someone you can trust to bring the mail or packages home?
$10 per mail pickup
All payments must be made via Venmo or Cash.
A Mom on a Mission